Friday, December 12, 2014


At the beginning of Their Eyes Were Watching God I always thought that Janie was a good girl, tht was confused because her grandma wanted her to be something she wasn't. When her grandmother married her to Logan I felt bad for her because this wasn't something she wanted to do. Then when she left Logan cuz she was annoyed kind of changed my point of view. I began to realize that she started turning into something that her grandmother didn't want to be. From my understanding she began to act like her mother and was blinded by her desire to be with someone. Whenever she reached one of the lowest points of her life she would cover it up by going to another man. However in the time she was free I found that respect for her again because she went back to doing what she wanted to. But as soon as she met Tea Cake she blindly lost control of herself and once again became what her grandmother was trying to protect her from becoming.