Monday, October 27, 2014


Ernest Hemingway was a very depressed man that always tried to compensate for being treated like a girl when he was younger. He was able to go hunting with his dad when he was younger which was the only thing that kept him feeling like a boy. In high school he attempted to become the center of attention and he began to write stories for the Kamsas City Star newspaper thanks to his uncle.

Hemingway's life had its ups and downs, but he tried to grow as a very happy and spirited man. His mentor was more of a mother to him than his controlling mother. She helped him improve his writhing. However his writing style was still very unique at the time. He didn't have very much time to grow up as the first world war arrived. He was rejected by the Army because he had defective vision, so he joined the Ref Cross in Italy. There he found love in Agnes, but she didn't feel the same way and he returned to Oak Park without her. His mother soon kicked him out of the house because she believed he was a failure and wanted to put him on the right path. He then moved to Chicago to write articles where he found a woman named Hadley and married her. They moved to Europe in the 1920s. He began to like a woman named Gertrude but one of his biggest rivals won her and he tried to fight the rival.

After this breakdown Hemingway went on to argue with all of his old colleagues. In fact with his old mentors he disrespected her by saying he had surpassed her teachings. However just after divorcing Hadley he published Sun Also Rises which turned into his breakthrough work. He came to begin fishing again which became second most important to him after writing, more important than anything else. He then fought in World War II and old people he was this amazing war hero. He then was involved in two different plan crashes in Africa which became the turning point in his life. This was the leading up to his death.

There is one thing that can't be undermined, he is one of the most accomplished writers ever.


  1. Great ending it is very dramatic

  2. The seriousness in the piece really helps move along the details in Hemingway's life and who he really was as a person his life experiences but also his life as a writer
