Sunday, September 28, 2014

6 word stories

Sadly, he changed is to was.
Asked for food, not your opinion.
What do you want from me?
Winners train. Losers complain. Just sayin.
Just to live this here lifestyle.
Bro... Is you mad or nahhh?


  1. Commenting only on the first two as they were my favorites:
    1) I love this one so much because it is a very clear message but with so many applicable situations. The use of the word sadly shows that something that could've been or was ended as it changed tenses. It is simple and beautifully written.

    2) I like this one because what immediately came to mind was homeless people asking for food or change. I put myself in their position and realized, if I''m asking for food or money, I would prefer for people to be compassionate rather than try to tell me how to live my life. I am sure their are homeless people out there that would love to hear the opinion of people better of then them but I see myself as being bitter, at least for a little while.

  2. I enjoyed your stories especially the last one, as I use that saying all the time.
    I like What do you want from me? too. Its just something that is deep. It can be taken several ways.
