Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Principles to Stick To

Principles to stick to....
Do I even have one, because there's nothing I can think of that I'd say I wouldn't do in case of an apocalypse. I guess I could say nothing in order to lose my dignity or integrity. If It came down to it I wouldn't like talk about someone who was talking about me. I would address it with them because people that hate anonymously is so annoying. I mean c'mon, are you seriously that scared that you can't say what you have to say face to face. Because if you can't say it face to face how can I ever trust anybody. People that hate anonymously remind me of people that have nothing better to do in their lives, so they try to bring others down with them. People who hate anonymously literally are the most funniest, yet annoying thing ever. It shows people that in order to amuse or pleasure yourself you have to talk about them. I don't believe in "sneak dissing" because how are you going to get the problem addressed if you ignore it when you're with them. These are my few principles to stick to because I'm not a very moral person.


  1. Well, an apocalyptic situation is the extreme. How about something that we should currently practice based upon principle.

    And I think if you thought about it long enough, you would discover that you are filled with morals.

  2. I agree with your moral of not "sneak dissing". Since you said that there's nothing you wouldn't do... can you imagine yourself resulting to cannibalism? Interestiiiing

  3. YES! Finally someone says it. Well, Evan, I agree with you whole-heartedly. I think people who say things behind your back and don't have the guts to say it to your face are the fakest people ever. Nothing is worse than hearing something about yourself that someone couldn't actually say in person. I do agree, it is annoying and especially hilarious to see how fake people can be these days.
    Also, you might actually have some morals that are similar to this topic. I understand, because sometimes I think that I am heartless and a really bad person, but deep down I do have some morals, and you probably do too.
