Sunday, March 1, 2015

Native Sons

Based on being a reader and my common knowledge of today, I believe I would've sentenced Bigger to the death penalty. Bigger committed lots of crimes in his life and the two biggest being rape and murder. I would like to say I feel terrible for Bigger because I realize that the society around him created him. I do believe the society around him kept him down. However I believe the biggest thing that kept Bigger Thomas down, was Bigger Thomas.
Bigger Thomas' life was miserable and an effect of society. The society around Bigger shaped him
entirely. I believe the reason he feared and hated white people is because the white people feared and hated him. Bigger Thomas' thoughts were all thoughts that the whites wanted him to think. However when Bigger killed he became something that whites don't want. He felt free and that he could do anything he pushed himself to do.
Honestly I think murder is a terrible, disgusting thing but I realize that it can give you a sense of power over your life that you may not feel normally. I believe that Bigger felt like he had finally achieved what he wanted all his life, freedom and power. However it was short lived because of course committing murder is terrible.
I believe that Bigger Thomas deserved a second chance after killing Mary, because he was doing it to gain power of his life. I believe that many other people's influence on him caused him to do that. However him killing Bessie is never okay. Killing Bessie is understandable from a criminal point of view, but he's not a criminal. However him killing Bessie made him to be a killer. I also believe that his raping of Mary is Bigger's fault, but Mary became a factor in the this rape. However how do you really know Bigger's thinking if he can do it again with Bessie. I believe something that makes Bigger more of a criminal and effect of his society is he treats whites better than blacks. I believe that he knows he was wrong with "raping" and killing Mary, but I think it was perfectly fine for him to do it to a BLACK WOMAN. At the end of the day I believe Bigger is in the wrong and should've recieved the death penalty.

1 comment:

  1. I truly think that society has the power to make someone bitter and aggressive but I don't think anyone can go as far as saying that society can make someone a murderer and a rapist. I am not saying that is what you are saying, it just sounds a bit like that. I also hope you are saying that Bigger thought it was ok to do those things to a black women (even though it is not!) and not you. I'm glad you addressed giving him the death penalty though and I do agree, he could have gotten a second chance or at least been deserving of one after Mary's assault and murder.
