Friday, December 12, 2014


At the beginning of Their Eyes Were Watching God I always thought that Janie was a good girl, tht was confused because her grandma wanted her to be something she wasn't. When her grandmother married her to Logan I felt bad for her because this wasn't something she wanted to do. Then when she left Logan cuz she was annoyed kind of changed my point of view. I began to realize that she started turning into something that her grandmother didn't want to be. From my understanding she began to act like her mother and was blinded by her desire to be with someone. Whenever she reached one of the lowest points of her life she would cover it up by going to another man. However in the time she was free I found that respect for her again because she went back to doing what she wanted to. But as soon as she met Tea Cake she blindly lost control of herself and once again became what her grandmother was trying to protect her from becoming.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving!
          I am thankful for many things in life, family, sports, friends. However in my English class everything is tougher because I like everyone in own way, but that was too much to write. Therefore if I had to narrow my choices down, I am most thankful for Lauren and Jan. They helped me get through the first month of English. Mostly because I didn't know anyon else, but that's besides the point.
           I am thankful for Lauren because coming into the class she was my only actual friend. Now don't get me wrong we never really talked before now, but I still called her a friend of mine. She's funny and rude, but I can always count on her to make me smile. Before this class we never really talked to each other, we just knew of each other through our other friends. Now in this class we talk more and I think we both know "SQUAD" has to stick together. I like that we both have unspoken agreement to make Jan do all the really hard stuff while we do simple things.  Anyways get well soon Lauren and I hope to see you Saturday or Monday.
            I am also thankful for Jan as well because we are coming better and better friends. Before this class I think we more of acquaintainces than friends. We never really talked to each other, even in division just I knew you and you knew me. Then this English class started and we actually began to talk occasionally. So now I can honestly call you a friend. You're pretty funny and nice, but at times you get a little chunk when talking to McCarthy, but I find it quite funny. Before I forget without you Lauren and I both know that without you our group work would never get done. You are the one that always receives the constructive criticism from us, while still keeping us on track. Honestly in class we do about little to none. Thanks again and I will see you next Monday.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Ernest Hemingway was a very depressed man that always tried to compensate for being treated like a girl when he was younger. He was able to go hunting with his dad when he was younger which was the only thing that kept him feeling like a boy. In high school he attempted to become the center of attention and he began to write stories for the Kamsas City Star newspaper thanks to his uncle.

Hemingway's life had its ups and downs, but he tried to grow as a very happy and spirited man. His mentor was more of a mother to him than his controlling mother. She helped him improve his writhing. However his writing style was still very unique at the time. He didn't have very much time to grow up as the first world war arrived. He was rejected by the Army because he had defective vision, so he joined the Ref Cross in Italy. There he found love in Agnes, but she didn't feel the same way and he returned to Oak Park without her. His mother soon kicked him out of the house because she believed he was a failure and wanted to put him on the right path. He then moved to Chicago to write articles where he found a woman named Hadley and married her. They moved to Europe in the 1920s. He began to like a woman named Gertrude but one of his biggest rivals won her and he tried to fight the rival.

After this breakdown Hemingway went on to argue with all of his old colleagues. In fact with his old mentors he disrespected her by saying he had surpassed her teachings. However just after divorcing Hadley he published Sun Also Rises which turned into his breakthrough work. He came to begin fishing again which became second most important to him after writing, more important than anything else. He then fought in World War II and old people he was this amazing war hero. He then was involved in two different plan crashes in Africa which became the turning point in his life. This was the leading up to his death.

There is one thing that can't be undermined, he is one of the most accomplished writers ever.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

6 word stories

Sadly, he changed is to was.
Asked for food, not your opinion.
What do you want from me?
Winners train. Losers complain. Just sayin.
Just to live this here lifestyle.
Bro... Is you mad or nahhh?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Proctor hero or scrooge

I think John Proctor is a scrooge. Even though he loves his wife and told the truth, he always struggles to realize what's right or wrong. First he cheats on his wife whom he claims he loves. He also hesitated to go tell the town the truth. Not only that, but he gets himself into a lot of trouble. Not only does he get his wife into a point where she can get hung but he also ends up being hung. Proctor also had some feelings for Abigail so he would have to lie to her and say they never had any chance. Then when he tried to confess the girls were fraud the petition got all the people who signed it in trouble. John Proctor also lies to his wife all the time because he sees their relationship as being frigid or cold. Meaning that it's just a matter of time until he doesn't have feelings for her. John Proctor only tells the truth because he doesn't want his name to go in vain. He committed lechery but more the majority of his life he wanted to keep that a secret from the town. These things however don't make him a hero because he has done way to many things wrong cuz he's scared for himself. However that makes it known that he can't be a stooge either because stooges always look for a way to be a follower and he is one of the only characters in this book that doesn't change at any time.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

There Goes The Neighborhood

The view of the natives of the settlers are very welcoming. They have a sense of hospitality that now in modern times we call southern hospitality. When the settlers arrive, the natives give the settlers everything the settlers want in return for very little. The native people were very respectful to the settlers, when the settlers treated them like they were nothing. The explorers thought that we're better than the natives because they thought that if your way isn't like our own then it is inferior. Also the explorers thought that since the natives didn't wear pants, that they were an uncivilized people. For instance, at my camp in Culver, Indiana people come from all over the world. The clash of communities starts with lots of different lifestyles that eventually become one. The people from the Middle East have to get a long with the people from South America. They all start out speaking their native language and not getting along with each other. Eventually one of them speaks to the other in English and they all come together. That's what makes the camp's motto One Culver because no matter where you come from or who you are you are just as equal as the person next to you.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Hi, My name is Evan Wimberly. I am 14 years old and I am a freshman. I was an academic center student. I was a member of the academic center basketball team and the academic center math team. When I was on the academic center basketball team my 8th grade was a lot more successful than my 7th grade year. On the math team we won every competition we competed in. I also did poetry for a group called Rebirth. My poetry group Rebirth got first in the Louder Than A Bomb finals last year. I came from the elementary school Mark Sheridan. I also play club soccer for the Cicero Mayas and we will be playing in the national league this spring. I play soccer for the junior varsity soccer team here at Whitney Young. We haven't won a game yet but that soon will change. I also go to summer camp in Culver, Indiana. It is a military camp, sounds intense right, but no it's not in fact it's quite the opposite. The only military part about it is how you keep your room and occasionally you march to places. Other than that you play many types of sports including soccer, basketball, baseball, swimming, and football. Now you can also take academic classes like math SAT prep or English SAT prep. You can take driver's ed, sailing, aviation, or horsemanship. You also can water ski, windsurf, or even swim in the lake. I also would like to run track in the spring because running is something I'm good at.